Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Miss Australia beauty contestant too skinny!

Miss Australia beauty contestant, Stephanie Naumoska, has generated a lot of controversy after being criticised for being too skinny.

The Sydney teenager, who is 180cm tall and weighs 52 kilograms, was one of 32 contestants.

Her body mass index of just 15.1 is well under the official 18 benchmark for malnutrition. Dieticians and nutritionists are convinced she is underweight and malnourished citing examples of malnutrition on Stephanie's body eg. "... some muscle wasting particularly in the upper body" though Naumoska disputes this.

I've seen Naumoska on the US talk show circuit today maintaining that she's healthy and instead is being victimised. "I'm very hurt and upset by what they've been saying, and I think that it's very unfair, and I also think that it's very unfair& just to all the other girls out there who have the same body as myself."

I do agree that she has been victimised because I saw a lot of skinny contestants.

I can't stand these 'beauty' contests that objectify women at the best of times but ignoring my bias, at the end of the day, whether she's naturally thin or not, they should never have let her into the contest because it is not sending the right message to young girls and teens who are most influenced by these images. I believe that the criticism lies firmly with the organizers! They ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Howdy Peeps!

Thought I would share a Melbourne label I came across today... RIOTVILLE. I really like their take on fashion and the fusion of some of my fave styles. Funny that I haven't come across them before but better late than never...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Celebrity Boobs

Celebrity Boobs in the physical sense, that is, not their personality! But oh, those celebs and starlets just put on this earth to make us mere mortals (read, real women) even more insecure about our body image. What would we do without them?

Well, here's an interesting review of celebrity boobs - a sort of "before" and "after". I personally have nothing against cosmetic surgery but I do get irritated about models/celebrities and this very false "image" of perfection we're measured against.

Anyway, take a look at some of these pics at the link below and make your own decision about who had a helping hand or not. I was surprised about a few of them, particularly Cindy Crawford (never guessed), and even Britney considering all the denials that she had nothing done yet to me the pics tell another story. I'm really torn about how I feel about the celebrity denials about cosmetic surgery - on the one hand it is imperative to respect a person's right to privacy yet what message are we sending out to young women if these celebs don't come clean about the work they've had done? I don't know but I'll get off my soapbox.

What do you think?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Celebritiy Wardrobe Malfunctions

At least when we have a wardrobe malfunction, usually it goes pretty much unnoticed. Eventually one of your friends may give you the look and let you know something's amiss. But I feel sorry for the celebs - one little wardrobe malfunction and it's splashed all over the Net. Oh, the humiliation!

I was trying to think of a wardrobe malfunction of my own but nothing comes to mind immediately. Although I was chatting on the weekend about a certain, well, let's call it wardrobe malfunction that occurred on a first date with my now spouse. The whole evening he had a small hole in his crotch seam that was exposing his bright red Jockeys! That really just made him even more endearing as he was trying so hard to impress me and I didn't have the heart to tell him. Good news is we've been together ever since. Well, I mean, red underwear... woo hoo!

If you have any celeb or personal malfunctions you're brave enough to share please go ahead and upload them. We're all only human. And no, I don't have a pic to upload from that first date!

Monday, April 6, 2009

One Dress, Endless Outfits!

While not a new concept, I really like the execution of this versatile dress that can be fashioned into many, many styles....

Originally inspired by the need for a bridesmaid's dress, it really can be a dress for all occasions. The jersey fabric and elastic waist enables the dress to stretch from side to side and then the straps enable you to hide a multitude of sins or expose your best assets.

Not to mention, in these tough financial times, you can spend this much on a single dress let alone one that has an endless number of variations.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Condom Fashion

Another blogger I follow put me on to this "Fashion Trend" (I say with tongue very much in cheek!).

So I did a bit of digging about and found some more lovely creations myself. How about very special dress for your wedding day...

A wedding dress made entirely of condoms! And imagine how handy it will be on your wedding night.

Follow the link below if you would like to see more of these amazing fashions created from condoms. While you're there vote for the ones you like:

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Barbie Turns 50!

So, Barbie turns 50 this year!

I still have my childhood Barbie wearing a very glamourous hot pink lamé dress. I used to love making clothes for her on my toy sewing machine (straight stich only) as I couldn't afford to buy them. Or I'd swap with my friends. Honestly, the hours we wiled away as youngsters with those dolls. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a gal who didn't have a Barbie Doll when she was young.

Well, in the fashion vein, I found some couture Barbie wear to share with you...

I also entered them in the "Which Barbie is Best?" contest so you all you fashionista's can vote for my entries below:

While you're there, check out the other entries. I think you will have a chuckle.